Have you stocked up with the latest immune boosting foods for this winter?
It's that chilly time of the year again where the days are shorter, colder and the sniffles are starting to settle in. You can see everybody on public transport start to edge away from the poor person who drops a cough in a swift way to avoid catching the latest bacteria or virus of 2018.

So, get ready to arm yourself with the latest foods that will help boost your immune system and keep your body and mind healthy during cold and flu season.
Medicinal Mushrooms
Probs not the ones growing at the local park, instead Reishi, Shitake, Maitake, Chaga and Enoke are all the craze for this year. You can add them to soups, casseroles, stir fries and salads, and they taste well....exotic!

Exotic mushrooms contain long chain polyscaccarides called beta glucans that can enhance your immune system function. One of my favourites is the Chaga mushroom.
The Chaga mushroom comes from the Birch tree and this mushroom has amazing immune and energising qualities. It's effect on the immune system works by increasing our Natural Killer cells so that if we get sick, our body can recover quicker than it normally would. Less sick days at the office. The other cool thing about Chaga mushroom is that it is an adaptogen meaning it will balance your unique immune system out. For example if you have an over active immune system, in the case of autoimmune conditions such as lupus, endometriosis (most research is leading that way), Thyroid Conditions (Hashimotos), then Chaga will calm it right down. In contrast it will work the other way if you have an under active immune system and tend to catch all the bugs going round the office, then it works a treat to boost your defence systems.
Reishi Mushrooms have been used in Chinese medicine for more than 2000 years in particular the Red Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), commonly known as Ling Zhi in Chinese. This herbal mushroom is gaining interest and popularitiy in Australia due to its adaptogenic properties that not only help strengthen the body while run down but also helps the person reduce feelings of overwelm and cope with stress ideally. There is more research coming out which is positive.
You can add these mushrooms to your favourite tea, coffee, smoothies, soups daily to start building up your immunity now. I bought my medicinal mushrooms from Teelixir. You can check out there range here.
Matcha Green Tea

Green foods are back and this time it is a little pocket rocket green tea powder that comes from the green tea fields in Japan. The whole leaves are stone ground into a powdered superfood that will give your immune system a kick into shape.
Matcha green tea originates from Japan and happens to be one of the powerful antioxidants going around. Not only does matcha contain antioxidants 10 times more powerful than green tea from a single tea bag. There was a study that reported the antioxidants in matcha green tea are 137 times more powerful than green tea. This could be due to its immune boosting flavonoids, vitamins such as vitamin A, C, K, and minerals potassium, iron (immune and energy mineral), and calcium (bone support and period pain regulator). Matcha has it's own source of Antioxidants known as Catechins Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) that boost your body’s production of T-Cells which reduce inflammation and infection.
Add 1 teaspoon to warm water to make a matcha latte, smoothie bowls, nice cream or bliss balls.
I am currently using 100% Organic certified Matcha Co keep in the fridge to keep fresh

Immune Boosting Tea Recipe
1 tsp Matcha Green Tea powder
1 tsp grated ginger
1/2 lemon squeezed
1 tsp Kiwi Cider Vinegar with Ginger
1 tsp Raw Honey (rice malt syrup/organic maple syrup)
1 tsp turmeric
1 cup 80 degrees water not quite boiling water
Mix over stove top and stir
Drink before bed
Bone Broth/Chicken Soup
I can't leave without giving a Shout Out to the ole humble chicken noodle soup. It was the soup of choice every week at my Nanna's and I've just added a bit of yellow to it to boost the flu fighting properties. I recommend adding the 3 ninja warrior herbs - garlic, ginger, and turmeric to help shorten length of a cold, reduce inflammation and boost immune fighting cells.
Add in some orange veg including roughly chopped carrot for extra beta carotene to encourage T cell activation. Use an organic chicken as we don't want extra hormones or anti-biotics messing up our Gut Microbiome! Please use the skin, don't be scared of the good fats for the #keto lovas out there!
It's is warming and comforting especially if you add some turmeric rice noodles and exotic mushroom into the pot. Kid friendly and Man flu friendly!!
So, hit the local Wholefood Markets, and stock up with the latest winter wellness foods. For more recipes or help in regulating your immune system, which can effect your gut and hormone function BOOK in for a winter Naturopathic Consult now.
Bookings online
www.hillsphysiotherapy.com.au under knoxfield and naturopath service or email alysiaraftery@gmail.com.
Blending Health with Wellness
Alysia X