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Baby fever!! Maternity leave dates

Pregnant girl in shirt

This has been the quickest pregnancy ever, and it is now time to nest and get ready for baby boy number 3. With both kids arriving early previously, I would have expected this one to come by now, but he is taking his time gracing into the world. Which is actually a blessing as I am enjoying time with my kids while preparing for an active birth, and creating some down time. We actually have the cot ready and clothes sorted this time!!

I have had a wonderful year so far helping, ladies balance their hormones, practicing self care, and implementing the detox program. The males that I have seen, have done tremendously well too, with a no excuse approach and doing everything needed to reduce their pain levels, weight and skin issues. Ladies, continue standing in your power, saying "no" is the new yes. Self care is not a luxury it's a necessity. Essential to your healing and wellness journey.

Blueberry Smoothie

If anybody needs a repeat of their naturopathic prescription products, email me on for an update with

vitamins and supplements

Reiki distant healings are AVAILABLE by request. These can be done in the comfort of your own home and you don't need to travel anywhere. Reiki is fabulous for reducing stress, anxiety, and bringing your body back to balance. I find reiki beneficial for when things seem to stop flowing in your life, things go wrong, bad luck seems to follow you or you find yourself making the same mistake over and over. I am offering, some card readings, along with your very own intuitive and guided treatment plan to help you make the changes needed to overcome your challenges. Please email me for more info

reiki healing

I will be back in September 2019 ready to consult and practice Naturopathy, Myotherapy and run some Reiki workshops along with the Supercharge your hormones workshops too.

floating hearts

Looking forward to helping more women find balance and self love in their life.

Alysia Raftery XX

Naturopath Myotherapist Reiki Master

Alysia Raftery Naturopath Myotherapist

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Bodysync Natural Solutions



Women's Health

Hormone Imbalances


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